Friday, May 21, 2010

Inspiration: Copper Moth Light

 Katharina Mischer and Thomas Traxler, you are my new heroes.
To forever preserve an endangered nocturnal moth species, industrial artists Katrina Mischer and Thomas Traxler have built an artful wall lamp project with the hope that its glow highlights conservation and animal preservation.
The “Limited Moth” lamp is part of the Austrian artist’s “RealLimited” series of works, which explores the limitations of reality. The water jet-cut and hand-riveted copper moths crowd a lightbulb at the center of the lamp, each representing one of the estimated remaining Marumba quercus species of moths. Mischer and Traxler plan to make four to five lamps accounting for the 800-1,100 that remain living in the wild.

Also see their "Limited Fungi"

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